Welcome to Okaloosa Island Photography

Thank you for your interest in a session with Okaloosa Island Photography! I have been photographing the world for 20 years! I specialize in beach sunset photography, but recently opened a studio and expand into portrait photography. I look forward to seeing you in my studio or at the beach!

20 Years Experience

Hi! I’m Kristina, a local resident of Okaslooa Island! I have been a photographer and adventurer for over 20 years across all seven continents! I have photographed my way around the world and have a deep understanding of natural and studio light. I look forward to creating memories with you.

Learn more about me!


Sunset Okaloosa Island Photography

Sunrise or Sunset
Okaloosa Island Beaches
ONE Client per morning or evening session!


Senior Okaloosa Island Photography

Okaloosa Island Beaches
Marler Park


Headshots Okaloosa Island Photography

Studio Headshots
Outdoor Lifestyle Headshots

Photo specials on Okaloosa Island!

Follow me on social media to see monthly photography specials!

Okaloosa Island Photography
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